How to use Room Sign App without an external calendar

The Room Sign App offers a seamless solution for managing your room signage needs, whether you’re organizing meetings, events, or scheduling resources. Even without external calendars (Google Calendar or Google Workspace Resources), you can effectively utilize the Room Sign App’s built-in features to streamline your scheduling processes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

Creating Built-in Calendars:

1. Accessing the Dashboard: Log in to your Room Sign App account and navigate to the Dashboard.

Connected Calendars page of the Room Sign App Dashboard

2. Connected Calendars: Under the “Connected Calendars” section, choose “Room Sign Calendar” to create a built-in calendar within the app.

3. Selecting Calendar Category: Choose the appropriate category for your calendar, such as “Room”, “Desk”, “Equipment”, or create a custom category.

Room Sign Calendar page of the Room Sign App Dashboard, showing options for creating "Rooms", "Desks", "Equipment", or "Other" (user defined)

4. Number of Calendars: Specify the number of calendars you want to create within the chosen category.

Calendar Creator widget in Room Sign App, with an option to select how many calendars to create

5. Customizing Calendar Names: Customize the names of the new calendars or maintain the default naming pattern.

6. Finalizing Creation: Complete the creation process and proceed to the sign management page.

A dialogue giving the option to remain on the page and create new calendars or to start managing signs

Managing Signs:

1. Create Signs: On the “Manage Signs” page, click on the “Create Signs” button.

Sign Management page of the Room Sign App Dashboard, showing a large "Create Signs" button, and an empty list of "Your signs"

2. Selecting Calendars: Choose the calendars you’ve created or connected with the Room Sign App.

Sign creation wizard, showing a list of connected calendars to choose from. All of the "Hot Desk" calendars are selected.

3. Naming Signs: Provide names for the signs corresponding to each calendar, customizing them as needed.

Sign Creation Wizard, showing an editable "name" and "configuration" option for each sign, each pre-filled with default values matching the calendars

4. Configuring Settings: Select the desired settings option for each sign, such as default configurations or customized settings.

5. Completing Creation: Click “Next” to create the signs, which will appear in the “Signs” table with a “disconnected” status.

Sign Management page of the Room Sign App Dashboard, showing a large "Create Signs" button, and a list of the newly created signs. Each row is a sign, and has a red dot in the "status" column indicating that no device is connected to the sign

Registering Mobile Devices:

1. Using QR Code or 7 Digit Code: Access the code modal for each sign from the “Signs” table.

A drop down menu on the "code" column of a sign's row. The menu has two options: "QR Code" and "7 Digit Code"

2. Scanning QR Code: In the Room Sign Mobile app, choose “Register Device” and scan the QR code to link the mobile device as the connected sign.

A dialog showing a scannable QR Code for registering a mobile device as the selected sign

3. Entering Registration Code: Alternatively, enter the 7 Digit Code within the mobile app’s registration process.

A dialog showing a time-sensitive 7 digit code that can be entered on the Room Sign Mobile App

4. Confirmation: Once successfully connected, a green checkmark will appear over the code in the web app, indicating the sign’s status.

A large green checkmark is covering a QR code, indicating that the device has successfully connected

Customizing Device Settings:

1. Accessing Device Settings: Navigate to the “Device Settings” page to customize language, locale, or screen dimming schedule for the mobile app.

Device Settings page of the Room Sign App Dashboard, showing a short list containing the "Default Device Configuration"

2. Editing Configurations: Modify default configurations or create new configurations to assign to devices as needed.

The "Create New Device Settings" dialog, with fields for "name", "Readonly", "Time Zone", "Locale", and fields for setting a schedule with an "on" and "off" time for each day.

3. Update Devices: Change the configuration for any of your devices on the “Manage Device” page

The "Manage Signs" page of the Room Sign App Dashboard, with the "Config" option of a sign open, revealing options to select between the "Default Device Configuration" and the newly created "Hot Desks" configuration.

With these simple steps, you can efficiently utilize the Room Sign App’s built-in calendar system to manage your room signage requirements without relying on external calendars. Whether you’re organizing meetings, reserving resources, or coordinating events, the Room Sign App provides a user-friendly solution tailored to your scheduling needs.

Next Steps for your Meeting Room Plan

Connect a Google Account for your Google Workspace Meeting Rooms

If you are already using Google Workspace for your buildings and rooms, it’s easy to connect them to the Room Sign App.

Learn more about controlling access and sharing your calendars. If you don’t have tablets installed by your meeting rooms, QR codes and shareable links can help you get value from the Room Sign App right away. If you already have tablets, they can enable contactless scheduling and convenience in your spaces.

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